Playing Casino War is as simple as it gets! You start by placing your bet on either yourself or the dealer. Once bets are placed, both you and the dealer receive one card face-up. If your card has a higher rank than the dealer's, congratulations – you win!
But what happens if there's a tie? Well, that's when things get interesting! In this case, you can choose between two options:** surrender or go to war! Surrendering means giving up half of your bet and moving on to the next round. However, if you decide to go to war, another bet equal in value will be placed automatically.
After going through these steps, three additional cards will be dealt – one face-up for you and two more for the dealer (one face-down). If your new card outranks the dealers', then hurray! You win again! But remember:** if there's another tie during war mode, don't lose hope just yet; another chance awaits!